Tag Archives: Church

LDS Christianity: Differences that matter

This is a fascinating article that my institute teacher showed us:

LDS Christianity: Differences that matter

By Joseph Walker, Deseret News
Published: Sunday, Nov. 27, 2011 11:39 p.m. MST

PROVO — They gather twice each year — once on the Provo, Utah, campus of Brigham Young University and once at the Fuller Theological Seminary main campus in Pasadena, Calif.

Evangelical Christians and Mormons.


In the same room.

Talking about religion.

And — believe it or not — getting along famously. Continue reading LDS Christianity: Differences that matter

Ain’t We Crazy

It was midnight on the ocean
Not a streetcar was in sight,
The sun was shining brightly
And it rained all day that night.

It was summer in the winter
And the snow was raining fast,
While the barefoot boy with his shoes on
Stood sitting in the grass

While the organ peeled potatoes,
Lard was rendered by the choir.
And when the Sexton rang the dishrag
Someone set the church on fire!

“Holy Smokes!” the Preacher shouted
And in the rain he lost his hair.
And now his head resembles Heaven,
For there is no parting there.

May We So Live

Thomas S. Monson, “May We So Live,” Ensign, Aug 2008, 4-9

Suddenly and without warning, on a bright day in September almost seven years ago, two airliners crashed into the twin towers of New York City’s World Trade Center, leaving devastating destruction and death. In Washington, D.C., and in Pennsylvania, two other airliners came down, also as a result of a terrorist plot. These tragedies snuffed out the lives of thousands of men, women, and children. Continue reading May We So Live


July 15, 2008
Written and delivered by Brian Soderborg

In a lot of ways Alex and I are alike:  We love being in the sun, we like girls and, we have similar facial features.  Growing up it was often said that Alex looks like Brian, but Brian doesn’t look like Alex; which is weird because I’m the twin. In fact several people look like me but I don’t look like any of them. I often took solace in this but secretly didn’t tell anyone. Continue reading Eulogy

Answers to Prayers

Sacrament Meeting Talk – Dec 23, 2007

We know that when God answers our prayers he often uses other people to help Him answer them. And he sometimes uses us to answer the prayers of others.
I wonder, in the answering of our prayers, if he ever utilizes the input of our loved ones from the other side.
You see, I figure that Bro Goode was either inspired…by my dad, or he had a stupor of thought, but just wouldn’t give it up…when he asked me to speak…Let me explain. Continue reading Answers to Prayers