(Not) The Greatest Movie Ever

So I saw the Twilight movie yesterday….

Now I’m not really a Twilight fan.  I have read all the books, but I didn’t love them. So I really didn’t have any desire to see the movie.

It’s interesting, I was worried, well I wasn’t expecting much. (Let’s face it, no book-based movie can really live up to my imagination’s expectations…Edward Cullen is NOT Hot…). However, I tried to go with an open-mind (“tried” because I really didn’t want to see it in the first place).

So I was thinking about all of the movies I’ve seen that were based off of a book (or play) that I’ve been really disapointed with. The first one that comes to mind is Harry Potter…now I was a late adopter of this series (even still I hesitate to admit that I’m a fan). But when the first movie came out, it was 3 hours of sheer torture!!! They changed (almost) EVERYTHING!!! The whole time I was sitting there I was thinking “What? That’s not how that happens!!! WTH?!?) Evenutally I realized that there really is no way to accurately portray everything in a book.

Since then I’ve learned to go the the movie with fairly low expectations (that way I’m not disappointed…but sometimes I’m rather surprised). However, the only movie so far that I was incredibly disappointed by was The Phantom of the Opera. Now I’m a “Phantom Phan”, but what a disappointment!!! Not only can Gerald Butler NOT Sing (he should stick to being Irish and dying of brain cancer…), but the director changed the storyline!!! (I understand why they did it, and I can see how they thought it would improve the story (a little) but let’s face it, I’m a purist…) My biggest issue with the movie is that they showed how the Phantom did things…In the play you can’t see what he’s doing “backstage” and then when stuff happens it’s like magic (much creepier than watching how he did it).

Anyway, while Twilight was not as bad as I was expecting it to be, it’s certainly not a movie that I ever intend to purchase. (Actually the best part of the whole movie was watching my sister’s (she hasn’t read the books) reactions to it 😉 ).

About Sodaburger

I graduated from The Art Institute of Las Vegas in 2008 with my Bachelor of Science in Web Design and Interactive Media.

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