Tag Archives: Death

LDS Christianity: Differences that matter

This is a fascinating article that my institute teacher showed us:

LDS Christianity: Differences that matter

By Joseph Walker, Deseret News
Published: Sunday, Nov. 27, 2011 11:39 p.m. MST

PROVO — They gather twice each year — once on the Provo, Utah, campus of Brigham Young University and once at the Fuller Theological Seminary main campus in Pasadena, Calif.

Evangelical Christians and Mormons.


In the same room.

Talking about religion.

And — believe it or not — getting along famously. Continue reading LDS Christianity: Differences that matter



Acts 12:4 is the only place in the Bible that the word “Easter” is used. In the foot notes it is mentioned that it could be changed to “Passover”. My husband and I had quite a discussion about this term. This feast of Easter came in the Spring Equinox / or about the time of Passover.

There was an interesting news segment about a Jewish family that was observing the Passover. Each item on the plate was symbolic and there was a prayer or song after each type of food that was to be eaten. The Jews, because of their traditions of their fathers, even those according to their faith, are still waiting. One of these traditions is to have an extra plate at the table and the door open, incase Elijah happens to stop in and want to share the Passover with the family.

What are these people waiting for? Continue reading Easter